
March 9, 2011

Comparing methods for recording I/O – V$SYSSTAT vs HP Measureware

Filed under: io, oracle, rrdtool, unix — rmoff @ 13:38

I wrote last year about Graphing I/O data using gnuplot and Oracle V$SYSSTAT, using a script from Kevin Closson in his article How To Produce Raw, Spreadsheet-Ready Physical I/O Data With PL/SQL. Good For Exadata, Good For Traditional Storage.
Here I’ve got a simple comparison of the data recorded through this script (in essence, Oracle’s V$SYSSTAT), and directly on the OS through HP’s MeasureWare. It’s graphed out with my new favourite tool, rrdtool:

Happily for me, the data marries up almost exactly. One might say that so it ought. But it’s always good to have explicit proof of such a supposition.

March 1, 2011

Shiny new geek toys — rrdtool and screen

Filed under: jmx, unix, visualisation — rmoff @ 20:28

I’ve added two new toys to my geek arsenal today. First is one with which I’ve dabbled before, but struggled to master. The second is a revelation to me and which I discovered courtesy of twitter.


rrdtool is a data collection and graphing tool which I’ve been aware of for a while. I wanted to use it when I wrote about Collecting OBIEE systems management data with JMX, but couldn’t get it to work. I’ll not lie to you – it is a bitch to work with at first. Or put a more polite way, it has a steep learning curve. But when you reach the top of the curve and realise its potential…wow. You’ll soon understand why it is so widely used. I plan to write this up soon, but it let me draw nice graphs like this:

Example output from rrdtool of data collected via jmx


The second discovery is a tool called screen. Innocuously named (and a bugger to search for on google), I’d never heard of it until today when Frits Hoogland mentioned it and the subsequent stream of approving tweets from various geeks whose opinions I respect made me go and read up about it.

It is “a full-screen window manager that multiplexes a physical terminal between several processes, typically interactive shells”.
Why’s it good?
Two things:

  1. In one ssh session, you can have multiple ‘windows’. So you can be running one long process whilst working on another. Or developing some code and compiling it in the other. Or anything else clever you can think of.
  2. As important, you can reattach to sessions you’ve lost connectivity to. Running a long sqlplus job that you’ve had to wrap in a nohup’d shell wrapper? Disconnecting your laptop to take home and log on via VPN? Dialled in on a dodgy line that drops connection? All of these are no problem – you can reattach to your live session any time you want.

There’s a good introduction to screen in this article here.

December 6, 2010

Adding OBIEE monitoring graphs into OAS

Filed under: hack, jmx, monitoring, OAS, obiee, unix — rmoff @ 21:30


This is the third part of three detailed articles making up a mini-series about OBIEE monitoring. It demonstrates how to capture OBIEE performance information, and optionally graph it out and serve it through an auto-updating webpage.

This final article describes how to bolt on to OAS a simple web page hosting the graphs that you created in part 2, plotting data from OBIEE collected in part 1.

The webpage

This is just an old-school basic HTML page, with a meta-refresh tag (which note that Chrome doesn’t work with) and img tags:

<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="60">
<title>OBIEE Servers</title>
<img src="server01.png"></br>
<img src="server02.png"></br>

I shan’t patronise you nor embarrass myself with my rusty HTML skills any further – I’ll leave you how to build your dashboard how you want it.


This is hack! I am not an expert at Apache, so please don’t take my word for it that this is the best way to do it. It worked for me, but mightn’t for you.

If you’ve got OAS installed for your OBIEE installation, you can tweak it to serve up your new graphs too. If you’re using OC4J, IIS, or another webserver, then you’ll have to figure this bit out yourself.

Assuming that your OBIEE JMX graphs and HTML files are in /tmp/obieejmx, make sure that they’re readable by all:

chmod -R o+rx /tmp/obieejmx

Now go to your OAS folder, navigate to Apache/Apache/conf, and MAKE A BACKUP of httpd.conf

cd /your/path/to/OAS/here
cd Apache/Apache/conf
cp httpd.conf httpd.conf.bak

Open httpd.conf in vi (or if you’re not a real man then FTP the file to Windows and open it in Notepad 😉 )

  1. Search for
    <IfModule mod_alias.c>
  2. Add the following beneath it:
        Alias /obieejmx/ "/tmp/obieejmx/"
        <Directory "/obieejmx/">
            AllowOverride None
            Options None
            Order allow,deny
            Allow from all
    • Here’s where you’d change the location of your graphs and HTML file if you needed to
  3. Save httpd.conf
  4. Restart Apache
    opmnctl restartproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

    or if that doesn’t work restart OAS

    opmnctl shutdown
    opmnctl startall

Assuming you normally access OBIEE through http://myserver:7777/analytics/ then you should now be able to go to http://myserver:7777/obieejmx/ and view the fruits of your hard-earned work.

What next

Obviously, the gnuplot/OAS hack is a bit crude, but for me was the quickest way to get “to market” the power of the OBIEE systems management metric collection by jmx that is possible for anyone with some basic *nix skills and some time to put it together.

The BI Management Pack for Enterprise Manager probably provides some if not all of this functionality but isn’t always available to use (and also has licensing implications).

Whether you collect metrics for day-to-day monitoring of OBIEE, capacity planning, or investigative work, I’ve hopefully demonstrated how easy it is to work with once you’ve got the basics mastered. And the beauty of doing it with shell scripts is that you can customise it to your heart’s content.

There’s a whole bunch of analysis that I’d like to do now, around things like our registered user count vs logged on users vs active users (to determine what actually is our concurrent user rate), as well as profiling BI Server load against database load.

It would also be fun to develop the HTML just a little bit further to create a mock drill-down on the graphs, although if you’re anything like me be aware of “just tweaking for a minute” turning into far too long given then throwaway nature of the solution.

Finally, bear in mind this is now dated technology – some of it may be on the junk heap for OBI11g.

Charting OBIEE performance data with gnuplot

Filed under: gnuplot, jmx, monitoring, obiee, unix, visualisation — rmoff @ 21:30


This is the second part of three detailed articles making up a mini-series about OBIEE monitoring. It demonstrates how to capture OBIEE performance information, and optionally graph it out and serve it through an auto-updating webpage.

This article takes data that part one showed you how to collect into a tab-separated file that looks something like this:

2010-11-29-14:48:18     1       0       11      0       3       2       1       676     340     0       53      1       0       41      0       3       0
2010-11-29-14:49:18     1       0       11      0       3       2       1       676     0       0       0       1       0       0       0       3       0
2010-11-29-14:50:18     2       0       16      1       4       3       1       679     0       0       0       1       0       0       0       4       0
2010-11-29-14:51:18     2       2       19      1       4       3       1       679     32      0       53      1       0       58      0       4       0
2010-11-29-14:52:18     2       1       19      1       4       3       4       682     0       0       0       1       0       0       0       4       0
2010-11-29-14:53:18     2       1       19      1       4       3       4       682     0       0       0       1       0       0       0       4       0
2010-11-29-14:54:18     2       0       19      1       4       3       1       682     0       0       0       1       0       0       0       4       0

and plot it into something like looks like this:


Depending on what you’re wanting to use the data for, and your level of comfort with command-line tools, you may just want to take your datafile and plot it with something like Excel for ad-hoc analysis. However, for fully automated data capture and rendering, I’d recommend giving gnuplot a go. It’s not the simplest of tools and the documentation is so vast as to be overwhelming – but if you’ve the time to tweak it then you will find it very flexible.

gnuplot can be run interactively (which is useful for trialling settings) or as part of batch script, and can output to screen or file (eg. png). It assumes that your data is tab separated (which it should be if you’ve used my script).

The key bit to understand is the “plot xxx using yyy” statement. In this, xxx is your data file, whilst yyy is the columns to plot for x and y data respectively. So assuming that your x-axis is time and the first column in your datafile, and you want to plot the number of Active Sessions (which in my script is the fourth metric, so the fifth column – time being the first), you would have “using 1:5”.

plot "datafile.jmx" using 1:5 with lines

To plot to a PNG file, use a script like this:

gnuplot <<EOF
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%d %b\n%H:%M"
set yrange[0:30]
set grid
set key box outside below
set terminal png font "arial, 7" size 410,200 enhanced truecolor
set output "graph01.png"
set title "Oracle BI PS Sessions\nActive Sessions"
plot "datafile.jmx" using 1:5 with lines

This line invokes gnuplot, and <<EOF tells it to pass the subsequent lines to gnuplot until end of file (or you put EOF literal in the file).

gnuplot <<EOF

This sets the x-axis as a time axis, gnuplot then scales it appropriately. The timefmt defines the format of the time data in the input file.

set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"

The format of the axis labels on the x-axis is defined thus:

set format x "%d %b\n%H:%M"

This hard-codes the y-axis range. Use “set autoscale” to revert to the default of gnuplot setting the range.

set yrange[0:30]

This puts a grid on the chart, and defines the title

set grid
set title "Oracle BI PS Sessions\nActive Sessions"

This tells gnuplot to write to a png file, using arial 7pt font, 410×200 pixels, and higher resolution. The “set output” command defines the actual filename.

set terminal png font "arial, 7" size 410,200 enhanced truecolor
set output "graph01.png"

If you omit the “set terminal png […]” line you’ll get an interactive graph from gnuplot, which can be useful for testing different settings.

Plotting multiple datasets

You can visualise multiple datasets alongside each other easily in gnuplot. You might want to do this for related metrics (eg Active Sessions vs Current Sessions), or a clustered OBIEE deployment:

The same metric on two servers in a load-balanced OBIEE deployment

Related metrics from a single server

To do this you append multiple statements to the “plot” command, separated by a comma:

plot "datafile_server01.jmx" using 1:4 with lines title "Server 01"\
, "datafile_server02.jmx" using 1:4 with lines title "Server 02"

(the \ is a line-continuation character)

The title for each dataset is defined as part of the statement as is seen above. This can be shown in a key which is enabled by default and can be moved to the bottom of the graph by using:

set key box outside below

Generating gnuplot scripts automagically

You may have realised by now that this is all quite fiddly to set up. Here are two scripts that will help generate gnuplot scripts. It’s based on the tcl script from part one and uses the first item in the array, ID, to determine the column number that a metric will appear in in the datafile.

This first one writes a series of gnuplot statements to plot each metric out on an individual graph, and assumes you have a two-server cluster so plots the datafiles from two servers on the same graph.

cat gnuplot_header
grep lappend obieejmx_server01.tcl|\
sed s/{//g|\
sed s/}//g|\
sed s/"lappend mbeanattrs "//g|\
sed s/"Oracle BI Management:Oracle BI=Performance,AppName="//g|\
sed s/"Oracle BI Server,"/"BI"/g|\
sed s/"name=Oracle BI General"/""/g|\
sed s/"type=Oracle BI Physical DB,name=Oracle Data Warehouse"/"DB"/g|\
sed s/"type=Oracle BI DB Connection Pool,name=Star_Oracle Data Warehouse_Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool"/"Conn Pool"/g|\
sed s/"Oracle BI Presentation Server,name=Oracle BI PS "/"BIPS"/g|\
sed s/"Connection"/"Conn"/g|\
sed s/"Current"/"Curr"/g|\
sed s/"Sessions"/"Sess"/g|\
awk 'FS="\t" {
        print "set output \""$1".png\""
        print "set title \"" $2 "\\n" $3 "\""
        print "plot \"server01.jmx\" using 1:" $1 " with lines title \"server01\",\"server02.jmx\" using 1:" $1 " with lines title \"server02\""

gnuplot_header is a file you need to create in the same directory, and can just be a copy of the example gnuplot statement above.

This script plots multiple metrics for a single server onto the same graph. You may want to break the statements up into separate graph plots to group together related metrics or ones with similar ranges – this script will at least give you the correct column and titles to get you started.

cat gnuplot_header
grep lappend obieejmx_server01.tcl|\
sed s/{//g|\
sed s/}//g|\
sed s/"lappend mbeanattrs "//g|\
sed s/"Oracle BI Management:Oracle BI=Performance,AppName="//g|\
sed s/"Oracle BI Server,"/"BI"/g|\
sed s/"name=Oracle BI General"/""/g|\
sed s/"type=Oracle BI Physical DB,name=Oracle Data Warehouse"/"DB"/g|\
sed s/"type=Oracle BI DB Connection Pool,name=Star_Oracle Data Warehouse_Oracle Data Warehouse Connection Pool"/"Conn Pool"/g|\
sed s/"Oracle BI Presentation Server,name=Oracle BI PS "/"BIPS"/g|\
sed s/"Connection"/"Conn"/g|\
sed s/"Current"/"Curr"/g|\
sed s/"Sessions"/"Sess"/g|\
awk 'BEGIN {
        print "set output \"server01.png\""
        print "set title \"server01\""
        printf "plot "
        if (NR>1) {printf "\\\n,"}
        printf " \"server01.jmx\" using 1:" $1 " with lines title \"" $2 ":" $3 "\""
     END {print ""}'

Both scripts use a series of sed statements to try and trim down the MBean names into something shorter for plotting on the graph key.

An example output would look something like this:

# One metric per graph, across two servers
gnuplot --persist <<EOF
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%d %b\n%H:%M"
set grid
set key box outside below
set terminal png font "arial, 7" size 410,200 enhanced truecolor
set yrange [0:30]
set output "2.obiee.png"
set title "Oracle BI Presentation Server - Oracle BI PS Connection Pool\nCurrent Open Connections"
plot "server01.jmx" using 1:2 with lines title "server01","server02.jmx" using 1:2 with lines title "server02"
set output "3.obiee.png"
set title "Oracle BI Presentation Server - Oracle BI PS Query Cache\nCurrent Running Queries"
plot "server01.jmx" using 1:3 with lines title "server01","server02.jmx" using 1:3 with lines title "server02"
set output "5.obiee.png"
set title "Oracle BI Presentation Server - Oracle BI PS Sessions\nActive Sessions"
plot "server01.jmx" using 1:5 with lines title "server01","server02.jmx" using 1:5 with lines title "server02"
set output "6.obiee.png"
set title "Oracle BI Presentation Server - Oracle BI PS Sessions\nCurrent Sessions"
plot "server01.jmx" using 1:6 with lines title "server01","server02.jmx" using 1:6 with lines title "server02"
set output "7.obiee.png"
set title "Oracle BI Presentation Server - Oracle BI PS Sessions\nSessions Logged On"
plot "server01.jmx" using 1:7 with lines title "server01","server02.jmx" using 1:7 with lines title "server02"
set output "8.obiee.png"
# Single server, multiple metrics on one graph
gnuplot --persist <<EOF
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%d %b\n%H:%M"
set grid
set key box outside right
set terminal png font "arial,9" size 1224,500 enhanced truecolor

set output "server01.png"
set title "server01"
set yrange[0:30]
plot  "server01.jmx" using 1:2 with lines title "BIPSConn Pool:Curr Open Conns"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:3 with lines title "BIPSQuery Cache:Curr Running Queries"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:5 with lines title "BIPSSess:Active Sess"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:6 with lines title "BIPSSess:Curr Sess"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:7 with lines title "BIPSSess:Sess Logged On"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:8 with lines title "BIConn Pool:Curr Busy Conn Count"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:13 with lines title "BI:Active Execute Requests"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:14 with lines title "BI:Active Fetch Requests"\
, "server01.jmx" using 1:17 with lines title "BI:Total sessions"

Plotting subsets of data

You may well want to plot out subsets of the graph data, for example, the last 24 hours. This is simple to do, just run the jmx datafile through something like tail first:

# Create 24 hour extract of data
# Data is sampled every minute, so the last 24 hours will be 60*24 = 1440
tail -n 1440 server01.jmx > server01.24hr.jmx

Refreshing your graphs automagically

Assuming you’ve got your graph plotting script(s) in separate shell file(s), create a wrapper like this:

# Uncomment this for debug, to echo each statement as it's executed
# set -x
# This will loop for ever and ever
# (or until one becomes less than two)
while [ 1 -lt 2 ]
        # create any subset data files, using tail, as described above 
        # plot your graph(s)
        # Copy all output png files to a tmp folder
        # from where they'll be served up as a web page
        # (I told you it was a hack)
        cp *.png /tmp/obieejmx
        chmod g+r /tmp/obieejmx/*.png
        # Write the current time, for debug purposes
        # Wait for a minute
        sleep 60

And then run your wrapper in the same way as the metric collection, using nohup and &

nohup ./run_graphs_forever.sh &

What next?

So you’ve got your data … you’ve got your graphs … now why not serve them up through a convenient webpage that refreshes automatically? Click here for part three that shows you how to bolt this onto an existing OAS installation.

December 2, 2010

Troubleshooting OBIEE – LDAP (ADSI) authentication

Filed under: obiee, unix — rmoff @ 17:52

They say about travelling that it’s the journey and not the destination, and the same is true with this problem we hit during a deployment to Production.

We were deploying a new OBIEE 10g implementation, with authentication provided by Microsoft Active Directory (AD) through the LDAP functionality in OBIEE. As a side note, it’s a rather nice way to do authentication, although maybe I’m biased coming from our previous implementation which used EBS integrated authentication and was a bugger to set up and work with.

The Error

Testing of the LDAP authentication worked fine, but when we moved to Production we started hitting this error, intermittently. When we did hit the error, we saw the OBIEE “Logging On…” screen for a while before the error.

     [nQSError: 13011] Query for Initialization Block 'LDAP User Access Initialization Block' has failed.
     [53003] LDAP bind failure: Can't contact LDAP server.

Sporadically, it would all start working, until BI Server was next bounced, at which point it often stopped again.

The Cause

I’ll jump ahead to the answer here in case you’re not interested in the diagnostics.

Our Active Directory domain has multiple Domain Controllers (DCs). The Active Directory server defined in the LDAP connection is a DNS entry with multiple IPs, for the different DCs (for resilience). The IPs are returned in round-robin fasion, not load-balanced. For some reason one of the IPs returned by DNS lookup was not valid.

What was happening was that OBIEE was sporadically hitting the duff IP from the resolution of the AD server address. It would timeout after failing to connect to the duff IP, which is when we would get the “LDAP bind failure: Can’t contact LDAP server” error. An SR we raised confirmed that OBIEE won’t retry a failed connection, otherwise I guess we might have moved on to the next (valid) IP.

To workaround this until DNS could be fixed, we hardcoded (yuck)the AD server name as a specific IP rather than DNS entry, and crossed our fingers that the server doesn’t go pop 🙂
A permanent solution would be to specify multiple LDAP servers in the RPD.


(OBIEE, HP-UX Itanium 11.31)
Starting off with the most obvious, and then getting more and more detailed as the problem still couldn’t be resolved (pun intended).

  • Opening up the RPD in online mode and testing the LDAP Init Block and LDAP Server connection from within the Admin Tool both worked, proving that the connectivity from the BI Server to the LDAP server was not the problem
  • Pinging the AD server name from the BI Server, worked

As well as proving the connection between BI Server and LDAP, we checked the LDAP server. As our corporate AD, any problems with it would be well known before little BI got involved.

Next up we used ldapsearch to prove connectivity and valid LDAP credentials with the AD server:

$whereis ldapsearch
ldapsearch: /opt/ldapux/bin/ldapsearch
$/opt/ldapux/bin/ldapsearch -v -b "dc=mycompany, dc=co, dc=uk" -h adserver.co.uk -p 389 -D "cn=SVC_OBIEE, ou=service accounts, ou=service management, dc=mycompany, dc=co, dc=uk" -w Password "(sAMAccountName=testuser)" sAMAccountName

This should return output from the LDAP server. You can fiddle with the latter parameters to get different information out of LDAP – use the -help flag if you want to know more.

ldapsearch: started Thu Dec  2 12:33:18 2010

ldap_init( adserver.co.uk, 389 )
filter pattern: (sAMAccountName=testuser)
returning: sAMAccountName
filter is: (sAMAccountName=testuser)
version: 1
dn: CN=Fred Bloggs,OU=Users,OU=MyCompany,OU=Data Management,DC=mycompany,
sAMAccountName: TESTUSER
1 matches

From here, I set about building a test case. Test cases serve a dual purpose – they give the support team something to work with and reproduce the failure, but they also enforce a strictness in method which often reveals the problem itself. In an ideal BAAG world everything would only be approached in a methodical manner. However there is that no-man’s land between discovering a problem and beginning to properly diagnose it – the trick is to make the time in no-man’s land as short as possible (lest one gets shot down in a hail of irrational guesses and uncontrolled system changes).

The problem so far was one seen when a login to BI Server via Presentation Services was attempted, which by its nature is a GUI work pattern. To make it reproducible I ideally wanted a command line solution that could be run on demand to generate the failure. I dug out nqcmd, which executes commands against the BI Server directly and is fully scriptable. This had the added benefit of removing Presentation Services from consideration, which assuming the problem could be reproduced with nqcmd would be one less complex factor to debug.

You’ll find nqcmd in BIServer/server/Bin (or Bin64). On Unix don’t forget to set the environment paths first with sa-init.sh (or sa-init64.sh).

First I created a file q1.lsql with some valid Logical SQL (what Presentation Presentation Services fires at BI Server), which can then be called by nqcmd and executed:

SELECT Organisation."Store Name" saw_0 FROM "Loss Prevention" ORDER BY saw_0

Initially I ran nqcmd using Administrator login, to remove LDAP from consideration and prove everything else worked:

$nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb64 -u Administrator -p adminPW -s q1.lsql -q

          Oracle BI Server
          Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

Row count: 437
Processed: 1 queries

Next I tried to use my user ID to test the LDAP connectivity.

$date;nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb64 -u myuserID -p RightPW -s q1.lsql -q;date
Tue Nov 23 08:42:33 GMT 2010

          Oracle BI Server
          Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53003] LDAP bind failure: Can't contact LDAP server.
Connect open failed

Connection open failed:
[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53003] LDAP bind failure: Can't contact LDAP server.
Connection open failed
Tue Nov 23 08:43:51 GMT 2010

By prefixing and suffixing the call to nqcmd with “date” and I record in my test case the time spend on nqcmd. In this case (lines 2 and 17 above) you can see it takes over a minute for BI Server to fail the login.


To rule out an error in parsing what the LDAP server returned on a successful connection, I tried it with the wrong password, but hit the same error:

$date;nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb64 -u myuserID -p wrongPW -s q1.lsql -q
Tue Nov 23 08:12:38 GMT 2010

          Oracle BI Server
          Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53003] LDAP bind failure: Can't contact LDAP server.
Connect open failed

Connection open failed:
[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53003] LDAP bind failure: Can't contact LDAP server.
Connection open failed
Tue Nov 23 08:13:55 GMT 2010

My next attempt with the right password crashed the BI Server process, and on restart LDAP authentication worked!

$date;nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb64 -u myuserID -p RightPW -s q1.lsql -q;date
Tue Nov 23 08:44:01 GMT 2010

Row count: 437
Processed: 1 queries
Tue Nov 23 08:44:03 GMT 2010

I also saw the error messages I’d expect with an invalid password or username:

$date;nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb64 -u myuserID -p WrongPW -s q1.lsql -q;date
Tue Nov 23 08:50:37 GMT 2010

          Oracle BI Server
          Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53012] User authentication failure: myuserID.
Connect open failed

Connection open failed:
[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53012] User authentication failure: myuserID.
Connection open failed
Tue Nov 23 08:50:37 GMT 2010
$date;nqcmd -d AnalyticsWeb64 -u badgerbadgermyuserID -p WrongPW -s q1.lsql -q;date
Tue Nov 23 08:51:20 GMT 2010

          Oracle BI Server
          Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Oracle Corporation, All rights reserved

[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53012] User authentication failure: badgerbadgermyuserID.
Connect open failed

Connection open failed:
[10018][State: 08004] [NQODBC] [SQL_STATE: 08004] [nQSError: 10018] Access for the requested connection is refused.
[53012] User authentication failure: badgerbadgermyuserID.
Connection open failed
Tue Nov 23 08:51:20 GMT 2010

Having already run a ping from the BI Server to LDAP server, I had no reason to run it again so I thought, but did anyway:

$/usr/sbin/ping mycompany.co.uk -n 1
PING 64 byte packets

---- PING Statistics----
1 packets transmitted, 0 packets received, 100% packet loss

100% packet loss. uh oh.


From here I did an nslookup up of the AD server name that we were using, and pinged each of the addresses returned – one of them was the one I happened to hit above, and was dead. The rest I’ve explained above under “The Cause”.

Geeky footnote

With that wonderful thing known as hindsight, I dug too deep too quickly, as I should have understood more around our AD server and what its name resolved to. Instead, I got stuck in to some tusc tracing:

# Determine the process ID of nqserver, and attach tusc to it
echo "Starting tusc"
ps -ef|grep nqsserver|grep -v grep|awk '{print $2}'|xargs tusc -aDeEfT "%F-%H:%M:%S" -Ao ~/tusc.`hostname`.out &

This writes acres of wonderful gobbledegook like this:

time(0x1ffffffff3abf628) ...............................
gettimeofday(0x1ffffffff3abf600, NULL) .................
write(6, "2 0 1 0 - 1 1 - 2 3   0 7 : 4 3 ".., 131) ....
send(20, "~ \0\0\002\0\0\0\0  \0\001\0\0\0".., 134, 0) .
gettimeofday(0x1ffffffff3ac0e10, NULL) .................
recv(20, "\f\0\0\0! ' \0\0", 8, 0) .....................
recv(20, "01\0\0\0U 17h ) \0\0- q ", 12, 0) ............
gettimeofday(0x1ffffffff3ac0e10, NULL) .................
send(20, "\b\0\0\002\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 16, 0) ....
gettimeofday(0x1ffffffff3ac0e10, NULL) .................
recv(20, "\f\0\0\011' \0\0", 8, 0) .....................
recv(20, "01\0\0\0U 17h ) \0\0- q ", 12, 0) ............
gettimeofday(0x1ffffffff3ac0e10, NULL) .................
send(20, "04\0\0\002\0\0\0\0\0\0\0", 12, 0) ............
gettimeofday(0x1ffffffff3ac0e10, NULL) .................

but which also included this:

connect(22, 0x6000000000546540, 16) ................................................................................................... ERR#242 EHOSTUNREACH

A bit of google-fu throws up “EHOSTUNREACH: No route to host. A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host.” and a figure of 75 seconds as the timeout – which matches with the delay observed before BI Server throws the error.
So in this case tusc wasn’t necessary but with a bit more nouse would have got me to the result sooner than a lucky ping did.


October 26, 2010

Graphing I/O data using gnuplot and Oracle V$SYSSTAT

Filed under: io, oracle, unix — rmoff @ 15:42

Continuing in the beard-scratching theme of Unix related posts (previously – awk), here’s a way to graph out the I/O profile of your Oracle database via the Oracle metrics in gv$sysstat, and gnuplot. This is only the system I/O as observed by Oracle, so for belts & braces (or to placate a cynical sysadmin ;-)) you may want to cross-reference it with something like sar.

First, a pretty picture of what you can get:

Example gnuplot output of Oracle I/O

Why would you want to do this when you’ve got a pretty GUI in EM/Grid and flash graphs? Because the data in EM is averaged out over a relatively large sample (one minute for recent history, and whatever your AWR samplerate is for older history) and thus lower than the point-in-time I/O being driven through your server. My previous post (The danger of averages) illustrates this. For identifying bottlenecks or capacity planning, you need to know how much I/O throughput you really use. Consider this rough example: Using V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY you can get an average over the last minute. For the first 30 seconds of this sampled minute you ran a query consuming I/O at 100 MB/s. For the last 30 seconds there was no system activity. V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY shows a figure of 50 MB/s, as this is the average over a minute. You look at your system’s IO profile in EM and see 50 MB/s. Your hardware guys tell you that the system has a capacity of 100 MB/s throughput, so you think you’re well in the clear for capacity, when in reality you’re already hitting it. Now, what happens when two instances of this same query – each requiring 100 MB/s – runs? It will take twice as long when run concurrently (because they’ll have to share the throughput available, and thus get ~50 MB/s). It might be that this is acceptable, that the trade-off of hardware cost to increase I/O throughput capacity isn’t justifiable for making the queries run faster. But it’s important to be aware of the bottlenecks in a system so that they can be mitigated and considered in any capacity planning.

So, anyway, back to the point of this post:

Kevin Closson’s written a neat script here which will write out IO metrics from gv$sysstat to a flat file on the Oracle host. It looks like this:


I wanted a quick way to visualise the data, and also to plot it out once it was over the number of rows that Excel will chart at once (32k I think). gnuplot was the answer, but it’s a bit of a sod to get running as a fire-and-forget so here’s a help.
Here’s how it works:

  • For ease of use it copies the file generated by the above script to your local machine. If you don’t want to do that then remove the scp line.
  • It uses sed to convert bar (|) characters to Space ( ), as gnuplot requires whitespace separated columns. tr would probably do the job too.
  • It uses an inline input to gnuplot, but you could move this to a separate config file if you wanted
  • It plots the graph on screen (assuming you have configured X), and also writes it to a png file
# Download the file from a remote server
# Prompts for password, or use ssh key authentication to make it seamless
scp user@remotehost:/tmp/io.DBINSTANCE.log .
# Convert bar (|) to Space ( )
sed -e 's/|/ /g' io.DBINSTANCE.log > io.log
# Plot a graph (remove --persist if you don't want the window displayed)
gnuplot --persist <<EOF
set title "Read I/O MB/s\nSampled every 5 seconds"
set xdata time
set timefmt "%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S"
set format x "%d %b\n%H:%M"
set ylabel "MB/s"
# You can set the y range to a specific constant based on your IO capacity
set yrange [0:3000]
set xlabel "Date/Time"
unset key
set grid
plot "io.log" using 1:3 with boxes fs
set terminal png font "courier, 10" size 1200,800
set output "io.png"

This was written on cygwin, and presumably should work on any ‘nix system.

Ob. OBIEE: An alternative to gnuplot would be to graph the data in OBIEE using the text file as source data to a hacked together RPD 🙂 :

September 10, 2010

A fair bite of the CPU pie? Monitoring & Testing Oracle Resource Manager

Filed under: oracle, performance, Resource Manager, unix — rmoff @ 22:35


We’re in the process of implemention Resource Manager (RM) on our Oracle 11gR1 Data Warehouse. We’ve currently got one DW application live, but have several more imminent. We identified RM as a suitable way of – as the name would suggest – managing the resources on the server.

In the first instance we’re looking at simply protecting CPU for, and from, future applications. At some point it would be interesting to use some of the more granular and precise functions to demote long-running queries, have nighttime/daytime plans, etc.
I’d also like to explore the management of IO but for us the pain is in bandwidth that a query consumes, and it looks like RM can only work with total session MB, or IOPS. Reading about Exadata it sounds like the Exadata I/O Resource Management might do this ([…]It allows intra and inter-database I/O bandwidth to be defined and managed[..]). But for that I’ll have to write to Santa and promise to be a good boy this year.

Here are some good resources for learning about Resource Manager:

Our implementation of RM

Our initial aim with RM is to do nothing more than ensure that everything we need to run does not do so at the expense of other applications on the server. A 64-way parallel beast of a query should not be allowed to freeze out lightweight workload from application backend processes (such as Usage Tracking, Informatica and DAC Repositories, etc).

We’ve implemented this by grouping schema IDs from the four projects into consumer groups (PROJ_A_GRP, PROJ_B_GRP, PROJ_C_GRP, PROJ_D_GRP). The other group where users are explicitly defined is SYS_GROUP, for the SYS and SYSTEM users. All other users (i.e. those from application backend processes) go in the OTHER_GROUP.

Our Resource Plan is this: CPU priority is allocated entirely to SYSTEM_GROUP. If any is remaining, it is allocated to OTHER_GROUP. Any CPU remaining after that gets divided up in quarters to the four project groups. It’s worth pointing out that Oracle itself manages Oracle core processes, in a group called _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_.

Here’s the contents of V$RSRC_PLAN, DBA_RSRC_PLANS, and DBA_RSRC_PLAN_DIRECTIVES for the current active plan:

        ID NAME                             IS_TOP_PLAN CPU_MANAGED
---------- -------------------------------- ----------- -----------
   1020578 DW_PLAN                          TRUE        ON

                       NUM_PLAN                                                                                                                      SUB
--------- ---------- ---------- ---------------- ---------------- -------------------------------- -------------------------------- ---------------- ------

---------- -------------------- -------------- ------ ------ ------ ------- ------- -------
DW_PLAN    SYS_GROUP            CONSUMER_GROUP    100      0      0     100       0       0
DW_PLAN    OTHER_GROUPS         CONSUMER_GROUP      0    100      0       0     100       0
DW_PLAN    PROJ_A_GRP           CONSUMER_GROUP      0      0     25       0       0      25
DW_PLAN    PROJ_B_GRP           CONSUMER_GROUP      0      0     25       0       0      25
DW_PLAN    PROJ_C_GRP           CONSUMER_GROUP      0      0     25       0       0      25
DW_PLAN    PROJ_D_GRP           CONSUMER_GROUP      0      0     25       0       0      25

My understanding of RM’s control of CPU is that in essence it does nothing, until the database is under CPU pressures. Once queries are being constrained by CPU, RM will enforce the allocation of CPU between the various consumer groups as defined in the currently active Resource Plan.

Note that RM is only within the Oracle context – it cannot do anything about non-Oracle processes on the same server using lots of CPU. An example of this that we’ve seen is ODI agents running local to the database – if these are doing lots of work then they may impact Oracle but we cannot use RM to control it.

Here’s my understanding of how we’ll see RM in action – and as you’ll see from the tests that I run, I’m not sure that it is entirely correct. Generally, there will be no SYSTEM_GROUP activity, and very minimal OTHER_GROUP activity. This leaves the lion’s share for our application queries/ETL. Until the CPU on the box hits 100%, no throttling will be done. This is important to note. Our allocation of 25% CPU to PROJ_A_GRP only means that it is the minimum it can expect (see below – this doesn’t seem to be correct). If nothing else is running, it will get 100%. Conversely, if an application backend process (in the OTHER_GROUP consumer group) is using lots of CPU, let’s say 60%, and all four project groups are demanding CPU, then each will get 25% of the remaining 40% of the box’s capacity, i.e. 10% host CPU.

Scripts to Monitor and Test RM

It’s important to know that RM is doing what we think it is, and to also be able to determine the current state of a system in terms of resources. If a system is at 100% CPU and users are demanding why RM “isn’t working” it will be useful to prove that it is non-Oracle processes creating the CPU demand.

I’ve been working on some queries to both validate and monitor RM. This excellent whitepaper on RM has some queries illustrating how to use v$rsrcmgrmetric_history to report on RM behaviour. I built on this to incorporate V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY to source host CPU %, creating this query which infers the workload on the system.

We’re looking at system statistics per minute slice (which is the level that v$rsrcmgrmetric_history is at, and then GROUP_ID=2 on V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY).

The source metrics are :

  • CPU count – From v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS'.
  • Host CPU utilisation (%) – From V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY where metric_id = 2057. This number should match the CPU usage as reported by the host (e.g. through sar, top, glance etc)
  • Used Oracle Seconds – From V$RSRCMGRMETRIC_HISTORY.cpu_consumed_time. The number of CPU seconds that Oracle thinks it has consumed

From this are derived:

  • Total Available CPU Seconds – The number of CPU seconds per minute slice available is going to be 60 seconds multiplied by the number of CPUs that in theory could be running Oracle work. Obviously in practice Oracle can’t use 100% of this CPU time, but this number’s a useful starting point for the following derivations
  • Total Used Seconds – Total CPU time, divided by the host CPU utilisation. So if the CPU is at 50% utilisation and there are 480 CPU seconds available per minute, then logically 240 CPU seconds must have been used over that minute. Note that this is the total number of CPU seconds used, both Oracle and Non-Oracle.
  • Non-Oracle Seconds Used – Total CPU time, divided by the host CPU utilisation, minus the number of CPU seconds Oracle has used.

From the above derived figures percentages are calculated too.


/* System CPU and Resource Manager impact over time

Based on : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/performance/resource-manager-twp-133705.pdf
and http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B28359_01/server.111/b28320/dynviews_3084.htm#I1030344

set linesize 160
set pagesize 50
set colsep '  ' -- thanks @Boneist 🙂
column "Total Available CPU Seconds"    head "Total Available|CPU Seconds"      format 990
column "Used Oracle Seconds"            head "Used Oracle|Seconds"              format 990.9
column "Used Host CPU %"                head "Used Host|CPU %"                  format 990.9
column "Idle Host CPU %"                head "Idle Host|CPU %"                  format 990.9
column "Total Used Seconds"             head "Total Used|Seconds"               format 990.9
column "Idle Seconds"                   head "Idle|Seconds"                     format 990.9
column "Non-Oracle Seconds Used"        head "Non-Oracle|Seconds Used"          format 990.9
column "Oracle CPU %"                   head "Oracle|CPU %"                     format 990.9
column "Non-Oracle CPU %"               head "Non-Oracle|CPU %"                 format 990.9
column "throttled"                      head "Oracle Throttled|Time (s)"        format 990.9

select to_char(rm.BEGIN_TIME,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as BEGIN_TIME
        ,60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS') as "Total Available CPU Seconds"
        ,sum(rm.cpu_consumed_time) / 1000 as "Used Oracle Seconds"
        ,min(s.value) as "Used Host CPU %"
        ,(60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS')) * (min(s.value) / 100) as "Total Used Seconds"
        ,((100 - min(s.value)) / 100) * (60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS')) as "Idle Seconds"
        ,((60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS')) * (min(s.value) / 100)) - sum(rm.cpu_consumed_time) / 1000 as "Non-Oracle Seconds
        ,100 - min(s.value) as "Idle Host CPU %"
        ,((((60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS')) * (min(s.value) / 100)) - sum(rm.cpu_consumed_time) / 1000) / (60 * (select valu
e from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS')))*100 as "Non-Oracle CPU %"
        ,(((sum(rm.cpu_consumed_time) / 1000) / (60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS'))) * 100) as "Oracle CPU %"
        , sum(rm.cpu_wait_time) / 1000 as throttled
from    gv$rsrcmgrmetric_history rm
        inner join
        on rm.begin_time = s.begin_time
where   s.metric_id = 2057
  and   s.group_id = 2
group by rm.begin_time,s.begin_time
order by rm.begin_time

This is my server when Oracle is at rest:

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Total Used     Idle    Non-Oracle  Idle Host  Non-Oracle  Oracle  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %     Seconds  Seconds  Seconds Used      CPU %       CPU %   CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------  -------  ------------  ---------  ----------  ------  ----------------
2010-09-10 14:45:51              480          3.0        1.8         8.4    471.6           5.4       98.2         1.1     0.6               0.0
2010-09-10 14:46:50              480          3.0        1.7         8.0    472.0           5.0       98.3         1.0     0.6               0.0
2010-09-10 14:47:50              480          3.4        3.9        18.6    461.4          15.2       96.1         3.2     0.7               0.0
2010-09-10 14:48:50              480          0.7        2.1        10.1    469.9           9.4       97.9         2.0     0.1               0.0
2010-09-10 14:49:50              480          0.3        1.3         6.3    473.7           6.0       98.7         1.2     0.1               0.0
2010-09-10 14:50:51              480          0.2        2.2        10.8    469.2          10.6       97.8         2.2     0.0               0.0

N.B. at high CPU usage I’ve seen errors appear in the derived numbers, with negative values for non-oracle time and percentage. I’d speculate that this is because we’re dealing with percentage (CPU) figures averaged out over a minute, but cumulative figures (used Oracle seconds) over the same period.

The CPU figure is validated by output from sar (give or take a percentage point):

HP-UX myserver B.11.31 U ia64    09/10/10

14:45:47    %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
14:46:47       1       1       0      98
14:47:47       1       1       0      98
14:48:47       3       1       0      96
14:49:47       1       1       0      98
14:50:47       1       1       0      98

CPU usage by consumer group can be examined in more detail using this script, rm_05.sql:

/* CPU usage and RM impact over time, by consumer group, per minute

Derived from : http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/database/features/performance/resource-manager-twp-133705.pdf


set linesize 160
set pagesize 60
set colsep '  '

column total                    head "Total Available|CPU Seconds"      format 990
column consumed                 head "Used|Oracle Seconds"              format 990.9
column consumer_group_name      head "Consumer|Group Name"              format a25      wrap off
column "throttled"              head "Oracle Throttled|Time (s)"        format 990.9
column cpu_utilization          head "% of Host CPU" 	                format 990.9
break on time skip 2 page

select to_char(begin_time, 'YYYY-DD-MM HH24:MI:SS') time,
60 * (select value from v$osstat where stat_name = 'NUM_CPUS') as total,
cpu_consumed_time / 1000 as consumed,
cpu_consumed_time / (select value from v$parameter where name = 'cpu_count') / 600 as cpu_utilization,
cpu_wait_time / 1000 as throttled
from v$rsrcmgrmetric_history
order by begin_time,consumer_group_name
                                                     Total Available            Used                      Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 14:37:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480            40.4                 8.4               0.0
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480             5.0                 1.0               0.0
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0

For details of each session within a consumer group I use script rm_02.sql:

Resource Manager / Session details


SET pagesize 50
SET linesize 155
SET wrap off
COLUMN name format a11 head "Consumer|Group"
COLUMN sid format 9999
COLUMN username format a16
COLUMN CONSUMED_CPU_TIME head "Consumed|CPU time|(s)" format 999999.9
COLUMN IO_SERVICE_TIME head "I/O time|(s)" format 9999.9
COLUMN CPU_WAIT_TIME head "CPU Wait|Time (s)" FOR 99999
COLUMN CPU_WAITS head "CPU|Waits" format 99999
COLUMN YIELDS head "Yields" format 99999
COLUMN state format a10
COLUMN osuser format a8
COLUMN machine format a16

        , rsi.sid
        , s.username
        , rsi.state
        , rsi.YIELDS
        , rsi.CPU_WAIT_TIME / 1000 AS CPU_WAIT_TIME
        , rsi.CPU_WAITS
        , s.osuser
        , s.program
        , s.machine
        , sw.event
FROM V$RSRC_SESSION_INFO rsi INNER JOIN v$rsrc_consumer_group rcg
INNER JOIN v$session s ON rsi.sid=s.sid
INNER JOIN v$session_wait sw ON s.sid = sw.sid
and (sw.event != 'SQL*Net message from client' or rsi.state='RUNNING')
ORDER BY rcg.name, s.username,rsi.cpu_wait_time + rsi.IO_SERVICE_TIME + rsi.CONSUMED_CPU_TIME ASC, rsi.state, sw.event, s.username, rcg.name,s.machine,s.osuser

N.B. When quoting the output from this query I cut sessions such as the one running the query itself, and other non-relevant processes (eg non-active monitoring etc):

Consumer                                             CPU Wait    CPU  CPU time I/O time
Group         SID USERNAME         STATE      Yields Time (s)  Waits       (s)      (s) OSUSER   PROGRAM      MACHINE          EVENT
----------- ----- ---------------- ---------- ------ -------- ------ --------- -------- -------- ------------ ---------------- ----------------------------
PROJ_A_GRP   1089 PROJA_USR       RUNNING        53        3     53     426.0       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    523 PROJB_USR       RUNNING       284       17    284     412.4       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_B_GRP    508 PROJB_USR       RUNNING       272       18    272     410.7       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_B_GRP   1090 PROJB_USR       RUNNING        52        3     52     426.0       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free

To generate load on the database I’ve got a script, hit_cpu.sql, that is based on one provided by one of our DBAs:

/* Generate CPU load

Based on http://jhdba.wordpress.com/2009/11/19/maxing-out-cpus-script/


set timing on

select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as start_time from dual

declare a number := 1;
begin for i in 1..1000000000
loop a := ( a + i )/11;
end loop;
select to_char(sysdate,'YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS') as end_time from dual;

Test 01

I started the hit_cpu script at 15:38:32. You can see its impact :

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------------
2010-09-10 15:37:50              480         17.8        5.7               0.0
2010-09-10 15:38:50              480         58.5       14.3               0.0
2010-09-10 15:39:50              480         59.5       14.3               0.0
2010-09-10 15:40:50              480         60.3       15.3               0.0
2010-09-10 15:41:50              480         58.3       15.4               0.0
2010-09-10 15:42:50              480         59.3       14.7               0.0
2010-09-10 15:43:50              480         58.4       13.9               0.0
2010-09-10 15:44:50              480         59.3       14.3               0.0
2010-09-10 15:45:50              480         58.6       13.8               0.0
2010-09-10 15:46:50              480         58.4       14.0               0.0
2010-09-10 15:47:50              480         31.8       10.0               0.0
2010-09-10 15:48:50              480          0.1        1.3               0.0

(for the purposes of this article the derived measures are a distraction, and possibly inaccurate too, so I’ve omitted them from here on)

Very satisfyingly, for each 60-second slice Oracle is using just under 60 seconds of CPU – i.e. my script is loading one CPU.

                                                     Total Available            Used                      Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 15:38:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480            58.5                12.2               0.0
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0

sar matches up with the CPU figures from Oracle:

            %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
15:38:47       4       1       0      95
15:39:47      14       1       0      85
15:40:47      14       1       0      85
15:41:47      14       1       0      84
15:42:47      15       1       0      84
15:43:47      14       1       0      85
15:44:47      14       1       0      86
15:45:47      14       1       0      85
15:46:47      14       1       0      86
15:47:47      14       1       0      86
15:48:47      10       1       0      89
15:49:47       1       1       0      98

Test 02

I added two more scripts into the test, initiating them from a shell script using the ampersand operator to create them as background jobs running in parallel:

/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/sqlplus USER/PW @hit_cpu &
/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/sqlplus USER/PW @hit_cpu &
/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/bin/sqlplus USER/PW @hit_cpu &

(The sqlplus path is specified because I’ve got an alias for ‘sqlplus’ to use ied, and it doesn’t like running concurrently from the same shell)

The scripts started at 2010-09-10 15:57:54. Monitoring showed three CPUs being utilised (“Used Oracle Seconds” – c.178 seconds = 3 x c.60 seconds) by Oracle:

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %  
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  
2010-09-10 15:56:50              480          0.8        1.6  
2010-09-10 15:57:50              480        156.9        3.5  
2010-09-10 15:58:50              480        175.1        1.8  
2010-09-10 15:59:50              480        190.9       11.1  
2010-09-10 16:00:50              480        177.8        4.2  
2010-09-10 16:01:51              480        174.9        2.8  
2010-09-10 16:02:50              480        175.3        3.8  
2010-09-10 16:03:50              480        185.8        5.9  
2010-09-10 16:04:50              480        174.9        2.4  
2010-09-10 16:05:50              480        175.2        6.8  
2010-09-10 16:06:50              480        174.1        2.4  
2010-09-10 16:07:50              480          4.9        2.2  

However notice the “Used Host CPU %” value – a very low value, and not matching with sar for the same period:

            %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
15:57:47       1       1       0      97
15:58:47      33       1       0      65
15:59:47      39       1       0      60
16:00:47      45       1       0      54
16:01:47      40       1       0      59
16:02:47      40       1       0      60
16:03:47      40       1       0      59
16:04:47      41       1       0      57
16:05:47      39       1       0      60
16:06:47      41       2       0      57
16:07:47      39       1       0      60
16:08:47       4       1       0      95

I can’t explain (explanations welcome!) why V$SYSMETRIC_HISTORY is [apparently] incorrect for this period.

I re-ran the test and Host CPU was picked up correctly by Oracle. The results on the second run matched the first:

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %  
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  
2010-09-10 21:52:50              480          0.1        1.6       
2010-09-10 21:53:50              480          0.2        1.3       
2010-09-10 21:54:50              480        140.2       32.6       
2010-09-10 21:55:50              480        177.9       41.1       
2010-09-10 21:56:50              480        174.9       42.1       
2010-09-10 21:57:50              480        177.6       40.4       
2010-09-10 21:58:50              480        174.8       39.6       
2010-09-10 21:59:50              480        189.0       43.0       
2010-09-10 22:00:50              480        177.7       40.0       
2010-09-10 22:01:50              480        174.5       42.2       
2010-09-10 22:02:50              480        178.0       40.8       
2010-09-10 22:03:51              480        180.8       41.3       
2010-09-10 22:04:50              480         12.3        4.0       
2010-09-10 22:05:50              480          0.1        1.7       
2010-09-10 22:06:50              480          0.2        1.8       

Test 03

The next test I ran used the hit_cpu script and was called once from a user in one each of the four consumer groups, plus a user not allocated a consumer group and therefore in OTHER_GROUP. Five scripts in total, so should expect to see CPU usage around (5 x c.60) = c.300 seconds, and machine CPU at something like (5/8)*100 so c.60-70%

Test started at 2010-09-10 16:20:20. CPU immediately hit about 64% – which based on my calculation above was satisfying 🙂

Using rm_05 (see above), the breakdown of Oracle CPU time could be seen:

                                                     Total Available            Used                      Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 16:20:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480            58.2                12.1               0.0
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480            58.2                12.1               0.0
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480            58.2                12.1               0.0
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480            58.8                12.3               0.0
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480            58.4                12.2               0.0
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0

rm_cpu_01 showed Oracle using c.290 CPU seconds per minute (again inline with estimate – yeah!), and this time the Host CPU % looked accurate:

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------------
2010-09-10 16:20:50              480        291.9       66.1               0.0
2010-09-10 16:21:50              480        291.5       65.0               0.0

sar matched up :

            %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
16:21:47      65       2       0      34
16:22:47      64       1       0      35

(note that sar’s timestamp is the END of a sample, whereas the BEGIN_TIME in my Oracle queries is the BEGINNING of a sample)

Test 04

Having seen that RM is correctly assigning our different users to the appropriate consumer groups, we can start testing how RM behaves once the host CPU hits capacity and RM has to start throttling its allocation to the groups.

In theory eight instances of the script should be enough to load the CPU entirely (since there are eight CPUs on the server). I ran four as a user from PROJ_B_GRP and four from PROJ_A_GRP, starting at 2010-09-10 18:27:53

As predicated CPU usage hits about 100%, according to sar:

            %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
18:27:38       2       1       0      97
18:28:38      69       2       0      29
18:29:38      92       1       0       7
18:30:38      99       1       0       0
18:31:38      96       1       0       3
18:32:38      99       1       0       0
18:33:38      96       1       0       3

and this is reflected by Oracle too (rm_cpu_01):

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------------
2010-09-10 18:26:50              480          1.0        2.3               0.0
2010-09-10 18:27:51              480        444.2       89.5               8.8
2010-09-10 18:28:50              480        472.9       95.0               0.0
2010-09-10 18:29:50              480        465.5       99.1               5.5
2010-09-10 18:30:50              480        462.1       97.0              32.2
2010-09-10 18:31:49              480        473.6      100.0               0.1
2010-09-10 18:32:50              480        458.5       95.2              24.7

We can see that of the 480 CPU seconds available in every minute slice, Oracle is using almost all of it – around 470 seconds.

Looking at Resource Manager, we can see that it kicks in – in the time slice beginning at 18:30:50, Oracle constrained one or some of the queries by a total of 30 seconds. Using rm_02 we can see how this divides up among the sessions. “CPU Wait Time (s)” corresponds to the “Oracle Throttled Time (s)” in rm_cpu_01 and rm_05(bearing in mind different levels of granularity since one is per minute / consumer group and one is per session total).

Consumer                                             CPU Wait    CPU  CPU time I/O time
Group         SID USERNAME         STATE      Yields Time (s)  Waits       (s)      (s) OSUSER   PROGRAM      MACHINE          EVENT
----------- ----- ---------------- ---------- ------ -------- ------ --------- -------- -------- ------------ ---------------- ----------------------------
PROJ_A_GRP   1094 PROJA_USR       RUNNING        61        2     61     960.5       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP    553 PROJA_USR       RUNNING       302       16    302     946.8       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_A_GRP    498 PROJA_USR       RUNNING       310       19    310     945.2       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_A_GRP   1089 PROJA_USR       RUNNING        61        3     61     960.5       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP   1078 PROJB_USR       RUNNING        56        4     56     959.5       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_B_GRP    523 PROJB_USR       RUNNING       301       17    301     946.7       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_B_GRP    508 PROJB_USR       RUNNING       290       19    290     945.1       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free
PROJ_B_GRP   1090 PROJB_USR       RUNNING        61        3     61     960.4       .0 myuser0 sqlplus@aser aserver          latch free

and aggregated to consumer group level (script rm_05):

                                                     Total Available            Used                      Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  ------------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 18:30:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480           217.7                45.4              13.1
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480           215.8                45.0              15.0
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480            28.6                 6.0               4.1
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0                 0.0               0.0

Note that the throttling is applied pretty much equally to both consumer groups. In plan terms, CPU for level 1 (100% to SYS_GROUP) is unused, so passes to level 2 (100% to OTHER_GROUP). OTHER_GROUP consumes a small amount, and note that it is not [really] throttled. The remaining CPU (96%, from rm_cpu_01, minus 6% shown in rm_05 output = c.90%), is passed onto level 3 of the plan. Whilst the four projects are defined an allocation of 25% each in the plan, two of the consumer groups are not consuming their chunk, so it is divided up amongst the groups that are, according to the ratio of their allocations. Hence, PROJ_A_GRP and PROJ_B_GRP are using c.45% of host CPU.
N.B. see below for discussion around allocation of CPU, as this statement about ratio may not be true.

Test 05

Test 04 above showed that RM applies throttling evenly to consumer groups, but it could have been influenced by an equal number of sessions for each consumer group running (that is, if it had throttled in a round-robin manner the result could have been the same).

This test will run a similar workload, but with a skewed number of sessions; 1 PROJ_A_GRP and 7 PROJ_B_GRP.

The test began at 2010-09-10 19:03:22.

Total CPU usage is about 84%, which on an eight-CPU box is c.1 CPU unused. Script rm_cpu_01 shows:

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------------
2010-09-10 19:00:51              480          0.2        3.9               0.0
2010-09-10 19:01:50              480          0.2        1.4               0.0
2010-09-10 19:02:51              480        182.9       41.7              37.8
2010-09-10 19:03:50              480        398.5       85.0              83.0
2010-09-10 19:04:51              480        383.1       83.2              82.4
2010-09-10 19:05:50              480        388.7       83.4              83.7
2010-09-10 19:06:51              480        388.0       84.8              80.8
2010-09-10 19:07:51              480        386.8       84.7              81.0
2010-09-10 19:08:50              480        383.4       83.1              83.4
2010-09-10 19:09:50              480        388.4       83.7              79.2
2010-09-10 19:10:50              480        383.0       83.4              85.4
2010-09-10 19:11:50              480        390.6       83.5              85.4
2010-09-10 19:12:51              480        378.7       85.3              83.1
2010-09-10 19:13:50              480        392.5       83.4              81.1
2010-09-10 19:14:51              480        384.9       82.9              82.9
2010-09-10 19:15:50              480        373.0       81.1              79.8
2010-09-10 19:16:50              480        303.3       67.1              66.2
2010-09-10 19:17:50              480        293.9       65.8              59.2
2010-09-10 19:18:50              480        293.7       66.7              59.0
2010-09-10 19:19:50              480        242.4       55.0              58.3
2010-09-10 19:20:50              480        237.2       53.8              59.3
2010-09-10 19:21:51              480        233.1       53.0              58.4
2010-09-10 19:22:50              480        219.7       50.5              48.8
2010-09-10 19:23:50              480          0.8        1.6               0.0

This breaks down according to rm_05 into:

                                                     Total Available            Used                 Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 19:13:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480            59.2           12.3               0.0
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480           333.2           69.4              81.1
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480             0.1            0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0

(all the minute time slices have same approximate CPU / seconds values)

rm_02 shows the individual sessions:

Consumer                                                  CPU Wait     CPU   CPU time  I/O time
Group          SID  USERNAME          STATE       Yields  Time (s)   Waits        (s)       (s)  PROGRAM       EVENT
-----------  -----  ----------------  ----------  ------  --------  ------  ---------  --------  ------------  --------------------------------------------
PROJ_A_GRP     521  PROJA_USR        RUNNING          2         0       2      766.9        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1084  PROJB_USR        RUNNING       5385       225    5385      574.0        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1082  PROJB_USR        RUNNING       5416       228    5416      571.1        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1098  PROJB_USR        WAITING FO    5373       224    5373      575.3        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1070  PROJB_USR        RUNNING       5405       224    5405      575.0        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1075  PROJB_USR        RUNNING       5424       222    5424      577.3        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP     498  PROJB_USR        RUNNING          0         0       0      799.7        .0  sqlplus@aser  latch free
PROJ_B_GRP     508  PROJB_USR        RUNNING          1         0       1      799.7        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:internal state change
OTHER_GROUP    491  myuser0          RUNNING          0         0       1         .4        .0  sqlplus@aser  SQL*Net message to client

So – PROJ_A_GRP is getting all the CPU that it needs (since it is shown as having zero CPU Wait Time (rm_02) and zero throttled time (rm_05). The session is also shown (in rm_05) as consuming almost 60 CPU seconds in a 60 second time slice.

The PROJ_B_GRP has two sessions that apparently run unconstrained, and five that are throttled by RM. The output from rm_cpu_01 above shows that RM throttles the queries by roughly 80 seconds of CPU time per minute. Over five sessions (and rm_02 above shows the constraining being applied equally) that equates to c.16 seconds of CPU time per session.

Even once the first queries complete c.19:17 and the CPU usage drops further, RM still appears to throttle the PROJ_B_GRP queries.

So here is my first major puzzlement with RM:

  • I would have expected to see all seven PROJ_B_GRP sessions constrained at the same rate.
  • Why were the PROJ_B_GRP queries throttled even when there was idle CPU? From 19:17 onwards there was around 35% idle.

FWIW the scripts were started from a shell script similar to above, with the PROJ_B_GRP sessions first, and then PROJ_A_GRP session.

Test 06

In Test 05 PROJ_A_GRP was running only one process, so would not be demanding as much or more than its theoretical 25% allocation. This test will run three PROJ_A_GRP sessions and which would (based on Test 02 above) require c.36% host CPU to run. In addition I will run six PROJ_B_GRP sessions, theoretical CPU requirement of c.72% host CPU. The total CPU should be driven above 100% and RM kick in.

My understanding (which could be wrong) of RM is that it will do as it did above when there were equal numbers of sessions in each consumer group to throttle; it will allocate the resource 50:50 to the two consumer groups, even though the ratio of sessions will be 1:2.

The test started at 2010-09-10 19:43:51. The results were different from what I had expected.

CPU didn’t hit 100%, staying around 85%. Overall it looked like this (rm_cpu_01):

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------------
2010-09-10 19:40:50              480          0.4        0.9               0.0
2010-09-10 19:41:50              480          0.2        1.1               0.0
2010-09-10 19:42:50              480          2.5        3.8               0.1
2010-09-10 19:43:51              480        424.7       85.5             101.6
2010-09-10 19:44:50              480        420.0       84.4             101.3
2010-09-10 19:45:50              480        422.6       84.1             105.7
2010-09-10 19:46:50              480        423.4       84.0             106.7
2010-09-10 19:47:50              480        425.3       83.2             107.4

sar reports pretty much the same cpu (the figure of 68% here is because of the time at which the test started versus the point in the minute at which sar is recording from):

            %usr    %sys    %wio   %idle
19:41:38       1       1       0      99
19:42:38       1       1       0      98
19:43:38       1       1       0      98
19:44:38      68       1       0      31
19:45:38      85       1       0      14
19:46:38      84       1       0      15
19:47:38      83       1       0      17
19:48:38      83       1       0      16

RM throttled both consumer groups – but by a different amount to what I had expected. Taking a minute slice (and all were almost the same) using rm_05:

                                                     Total Available            Used                 Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 19:44:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480           135.2           28.2              38.4
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480           284.7           59.3              62.8
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480             0.1            0.0               0.2
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0

So RM appears to guarenteeing PROJ_A_GRP at least 25% CPU (per the resource plan), but after than it allocates twice as much CPU to PROJ_B_GRP

Individual sessions (rm_02):

Consumer                                                  CPU Wait     CPU   CPU time  I/O time
Group          SID  USERNAME          STATE       Yields  Time (s)   Waits        (s)       (s)  PROGRAM       EVENT
-----------  -----  ----------------  ----------  ------  --------  ------  ---------  --------  ------------  --------------------------------------------
PROJ_A_GRP     508  PROJA_USR        RUNNING       1600       128    1600      255.5        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP     553  PROJA_USR        RUNNING       1599       122    1599      262.2        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP    1098  PROJA_USR        RUNNING          8         0       8      384.1        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1070  PROJB_USR        RUNNING          4         0       4      383.4        .0  sqlplus@aser  latch free
PROJ_B_GRP     523  PROJB_USR        WAITING FO    1844       146    1844      237.8        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1084  PROJB_USR        RUNNING          2         0       2      384.2        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP     496  PROJB_USR        RUNNING       1843       148    1843      236.2        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    1075  PROJB_USR        RUNNING          0         0       0      384.4        .0  sqlplus@aser  latch free
PROJ_B_GRP     489  PROJB_USR        RUNNING       1836       146    1836      238.7        .0  sqlplus@aser  resmgr:cpu quantum

So here is my next puzzlement with RM:

  • Is it possible that CPU isn’t hitting 100% because RM is throttling the queries too much?

I suspect I’m misunderstanding something about how RM is supposed to work and/or how it is implemented to do what it does.

Test 07

Leaving to one side my inability to explain the above observations with RM, I then wantd to add more load so that the machine would be under serious CPU pressure, and see how RM dealt with it.

I would run:

  • 2 x OTHER_GROUP sessions
  • 5 x PROJ_A_GRP sessions
  • 1 x PROJ_B_GRP session
  • 10 x PROJ_C_GRP sessions
  • 1 x PROJ_D_GRP session

I would hope to see something like this:

  • OTHER_GROUP unthrottled – c.20% CPU, leaving c.80% for the four project consumer groups (thus 20% each)
    • PROJ_B_GRP unthrottled – only generating load on one CPU so c.12% host CPU (leaving c.8% available for use by other consumer groups)
    • PROJ_D_GRP unthrottled – only generating load on one CPU so c.12% host CPU (leaving c.8% available for use by other consumer groups)
    • This leaves 56% (100 – 20 – 12 – 12) of a theoretical 100% CPU available for two consumer groups which between them require more than that. Based on the above results I would expect the 1:2 session balance to play out in CPU allocation too, so roughly:
      • PROJ_C_GRP throttled to c.<40%
      • PROJ_A_GRP throttled to c.<20%

The test began at 2010-09-10 20:21:49, taking a total of three seconds for all 17 scripts to start.

As before, CPU did not hit 100%, but instead hovered around 87%. We’re quite clearly generating load sufficient to hit 100%, but RM is throttling it back. Whether it’s the effect of swapping queries on and off CPU that means there’s an efficiency loss, or whether RM deliberately holds it back to that level deliberately I don’t know.

The total Oracle and host CPU/time looks like this: (rm_cpu_01):

                     Total Available  Used Oracle  Used Host  Oracle Throttled
BEGIN_TIME               CPU Seconds      Seconds      CPU %          Time (s)
-------------------  ---------------  -----------  ---------  ----------------
2010-09-10 20:18:50              480          0.1        1.1               0.0
2010-09-10 20:19:50              480          0.1        3.1               0.0
2010-09-10 20:20:50              480         14.5        5.8               9.5
2010-09-10 20:21:51              480        421.4       88.1             675.4
2010-09-10 20:22:50              480        431.9       88.6             690.4
2010-09-10 20:23:50              480        433.6       88.7             685.5
2010-09-10 20:24:50              480        427.0       89.3             686.1
2010-09-10 20:25:50              480        424.2       89.5             683.1

The CPU allocation within RM breaks down as follows (rm_05):

                                                     Total Available            Used                 Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------
2010-10-09 20:22:50  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480           138.8           28.9             451.9
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480           115.0           24.0             179.7
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480            27.9            5.8              31.1
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480           115.7           24.1               3.4
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480            34.5            7.2              24.4
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0
  • OTHER_GROUP gets c.25%, and isn’t throttled
  • PROJ_C_GRP gets c.25%, and is throttled
  • PROJ_A_GRP gets c.25%, and is throttled
  • PROJ_B_GRP gets c.6%, and is throttled
  • PROJ_D_GRP gets c.6%, and is throttled

(I’m taking a slight liberty with OTHER_GROUP and stating that it’s not throttled; but relative to the other groups it isn’t really)

rm_02 shows the amount of CPU wait time each session is subject to:

Consumer                                             CPU Wait    CPU  CPU time I/O time
Group         SID USERNAME         STATE      Yields Time (s)  Waits       (s)      (s) PROGRAM      EVENT
----------- ----- ---------------- ---------- ------ -------- ------ --------- -------- ------------ ------------------------------------------------------
PROJ_C_GRP    521 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO    954      581    954     103.0       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP   1090 PROJC_USR       RUNNING      2269      451   2269     232.6       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP   1070 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO   2254      452   2254     232.3       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP    524 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO    950      583    952     100.9       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP    486 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO    957      583    960     101.3       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP    512 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO    958      582    961     102.4       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP    496 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO    960      581    960     103.6       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP   1098 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO   2263      451   2263     233.9       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP    508 PROJC_USR       WAITING FO    954      581    954     104.0       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_C_GRP   1082 PROJC_USR       RUNNING      2272      451   2272     234.1       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP    499 PROJA_USR       WAITING FO   2314      451   2315     233.2       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP    509 PROJA_USR       RUNNING      2296      449   2296     235.3       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP   1084 PROJA_USR       RUNNING      2138      263   2138     422.0       .0 sqlplus@aser latch free
PROJ_A_GRP    553 PROJA_USR       WAITING FO   2296      450   2296     235.5       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_A_GRP    491 PROJA_USR       RUNNING      2295      449   2295     236.1       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_B_GRP    498 PROJB_USR       RUNNING      2168      358   2170     326.7       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
OTHER_GROUP   490 myuser0         RUNNING       853       36    853     648.6       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
OTHER_GROUP  1075 myuser0         RUNNING        60        2     60     683.9       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum
PROJ_D_GRP   1079 PROJD_USR       WAITING FO   2131      269   2131     414.9       .0 sqlplus@aser resmgr:cpu quantum

So, I’m puzzled – I thought that RM was supposed to allocate a guarenteed amount of CPU to each consumer group. But here we’re seeing consumer groups with only one session getting apparently muscled out by those with multiple sessions. If OTHER_GROUPS is taking 25%, that leaves a hypothetical 75% between four consumer groups to split 25% each (so c.18% each). Instead two of the four get 25% total host CPU and two get about 6% host CPU – not 25% of the remainder of the pie left by OTHER_GROUPS.

Update: I re-ran Test 07, but observed the same behaviour:

                                                     Total Available            Used                 Oracle Throttled
TIME                 CONSUMER_GROUP_NAME                 CPU Seconds  Oracle Seconds  % of Host CPU          Time (s)
-------------------  ------------------------------  ---------------  --------------  -------------  ----------------
2010-13-09 07:53:42  PROJ_C_GRP                                  480           145.0           30.2             448.5
                     PROJ_A_GRP                                  480           132.8           27.7             163.9
                     PROJ_B_GRP                                  480            21.3            4.4              38.3
                     OTHER_GROUPS                                480           115.8           24.1               3.2
                     PROJ_D_GRP                                  480            21.9            4.6              37.5
                     SYS_GROUP                                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0
                     _ORACLE_BACKGROUND_GROUP_                   480             0.0            0.0               0.0

Why aren’t and PROJ_B_GRP PROJ_D_GRP getting an equal share of CPU as PROJ_A_GRP and PROJ_C_GRP?

What’s next?

I’m going to re-run some of the above tests to check that the same behaviour is seen. I’m also planning to test with non-Oracle processes using lots of CPU to see how RM deals with that.
We’re considering how RM fits into Performance Testing our applications, as it introduces quite a possible varience in the response times the users could see in Production.
Finally, it will be interesting to observe RM in action against real DW workloads where there may be lots of I/O waits and not pure CPU demand.


It’s been very interesting running these tests and looking closely at what RM appears to be doing. Some of my understanding & assumptions have been challenged, and I would love to hear from people with more experience and knowlegde of RM and Oracle to explain what I’m observing and where I’ve gone wrong.
All of the query results quoted here are representative of the steady-state seen during each test.
I’m sure I’ve just misunderstood part of the principle of RM, but I would like to know in what way 🙂 and also if there is a way to implement what I thought we had – a way of ensuring that of four consumer groups they all get a fair and equal bite of the pie.

June 11, 2010

Scripts to extract information from OBIEE NQQuery.log

Filed under: hack, nqcmd, obiee, unix — rmoff @ 09:02

Here are a couple of little unix scripts that I wrote whilst developing my performance testing OBIEE method.

They’re nothing particularly special, but may save you the couple of minutes it’d take to write them 🙂

Note that some of this data is available from Usage Tracking and where it is I’d recommend getting it from there, databases generally being easier to reliably and repeatably query than a transient log file.

Extracting Logical SQL from NQQuery.log

First is how to extract logical SQL statements from NQQuery.log. This is useful if you want to build up a set of files to replay as a test load against OBIEE:

  1. Use grep to extract just the logical SQL statements
    grep SAW_SRC NQQuery.log > NQQuery.lsql_statements.txt
  2. If desired, eliminate duplicates from the file
    	sort -u NQQuery.lsql_statements.txt > NQQuery.lsql_statements.deduped.txt
  3. Use split to the lsql statements into separate files:
    split -l 1 NQQuery.lsql_statements.txt replay.

    This creates a set of files with a replay. prefix and xx suffix, eg.

    • replay.aa
    • replay.ab
    • etc

Extracting query metrics from NQQuery.log

The next snippet will parse the end of the NQQuery.log and output query execution details:

  • Number of database queries
  • How many rows were returned
  • How long it took
# get_nq_stats.sh
# https://rnm1978.wordpress.com
# Outputs query details of the most recently executed query on BI Server
# Make sure OBIEE_HOME environment variable is set, or update this script to hardcode its location
# Usage 
#     get_nq_stats.sh <testref>
# Examples:
#   Append to file: 
#     get_nq_stats.sh testrep01 >> nq_stats.csv
#   Output to screen:
#     get_nq_stats.sh testrep01
tail -n12 $OBIEE_HOME/server/Log/NQQuery.log|awk -v ref=$1 'BEGIN {physical=""
} {
if ($8=="physical") {gsub(/,/,"",$10) ;physical= $10}
if ($2=="Rows" ) {rows= $6}
if ($2=="Logical") {gsub(/,/,"",$8) ; elapsed= $8}
# print "DB Queries,Rows,Elapsed sec"
print ref "," physical "," rows "," elapsed

The usage for this is on an isolated sequential test environment where you run one BI query, then run this against NQQuery.log, then another query, then this against NQQuery.log etc. Each time you call this script you use a reference (that of the BI Query you’ve just run), and this will be output along with the data from NQQuery.log.
If you call this script and pipe the output to append to a CSV file you can build up a file that looks like this:

Report reference,DB Queries,Rows,Elapsed sec

OBIEE Replay

These snippets form part of a set of Unix and Oracle scripts that I’ve developed under the title OBIEE Replay. The idea of it is to build a harness through which Logical SQL statements can be run against the BI Server and various metrics collected, all in a repeatable manner.
As and when I get time, I plan to post these scripts up here, so watch this space… 🙂

January 22, 2010

How to resolve “[nQSError: 12002] Socket communication error at call=: (Number=-1) Unknown”

Filed under: config, obiee, security, unix, windows — rmoff @ 12:37

This error caught me out today. I was building a Linux VM to do some work on, and for the life of me couldn’t get the OBIEE Admin Tool to connect to the BI Server on the VM.

The error I got when trying to define a DSN on the Windows box was:

[nQSError: 12008] Unable to connect to port 9703 on machine
[nQSError: 12010] Communication error connecting to remote end point: address =; port = 9703.
[nQSError: 12002] Socket communication error at call=: (Number=-1) Unknown

This error means that the ODBC Driver for BI Server can’t communicate with the BI Server on port 9703.
99% of the time this question comes up on the forums it’s because the BI Server isn’t running, or the host is incorrect.

I validated the BI Server was running and listening on port 9703:

[oracle@RNMVM03 setup]$ netstat -a|grep 9703
tcp        0      0 *:9703                      *:*                         LISTEN

And I fired up Presentation Services and OC4J and successfully logged into Answers. So why couldn’t my Windows box connect?

I tried telnetting from my Windows box to the VM on port 9704 – the OC4J port. This worked, as did pinging it. So the network connectivity between the two was there. If I telnetted to port 9703 (BI Server) there was an eventual timeout.

The answer to the problem was that my Linux VM (OEL5.4) was running a firewall which I’d cleverly allowed 9704 on but not 9703. Disabling the firewall fixed the problem.

November 12, 2009

Deploying Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition on Sun Systems

Filed under: cluster, obiee, performance, unix — rmoff @ 11:28

A very interesting new PDF from Sun on deploying OBIEE has been published, with discussions on architecture, performance and best practice.

This Sun BluePrints article describes an enterprise deployment architecture for Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition using Sun servers running the Solaris Operating System and Sun Storage 7000 Unified Storage systems. Designed to empower employees in organizations in any industry—from customer service, shipping, and finance to manufacturing, human resources, and more—to become potential decision makers, the architecture brings fault tolerance, security, resiliency, and performance to enterprise deployments. Taking advantage of key virtualization technologies, the architecture can be used to consolidate multiple tiers onto a single system to help reduce cost and complexity. A short discussion of the performance characteristics of the architecture using a realistic workload also is included.

The paper’s by Maqsood Alam, Luojia Chen, Chaitanya Jadaru, Ron Graham and Giri Mandalika.

Direct download: Deploying Oracle Business Intelligence Enterprise Edition on Sun Systems
Main link (requires Sun registration to download): https://www.sun.com/offers/details/821-0698.xml

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